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Selectmen's Minutes February 04, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 4, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
A resident, Ms. Catherine Potter was in attendance to observe as part of her government education requirement.  


Subject: Fire Department

Present: Deputy Chief Paul Sanborn  

Paul submitted a revised warrant article for the heavy rescue vehicle.  He presented the Board with three options and supporting data on three different trucks.  The dollar amount has increased from $100,000 to $175,000.  The Board asked Mr. Sanborn if he would call the Chief, see if he was willing to forgo putting money into the Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund if the Board supported the article requesting $20,000 be added to the Rescue Truck Capital Reserve Fund. The Board explained they were meeting with the budget committee later that evening and would like to have this clarified for discussion with the committee.

Subject:   Petition to discontinue and abandon a portion of Old Depot Road  

Present: Mr. Baas

Mr. Baas presented a petition to the Board. He showed his site plan explaining the need for additional parking spaces (per planning board regulations).  Mr. Baas asked the Board to consider deeding him that portion of the road that the town owns and he will construct the parking.  The concern was brought up that parking spaces could not serve a dual purpose; Mr. Baas needed 10 (ten) designated for his business exclusively.  Also raised was verifying with Department of Transportation that in fact the town still owns that portion of the road after the completion of the bridge project that took place in 1981.  
Subject:  2003 Proposed Warrant Articles   

Present: Budget Committee Members- Marie McKay, Walter Sanborn, Stephen MacCleery, Joanna McIntosh and John Martell

Article #3-Update Master Plan- $25,000 appropriation- concern on the cost being so high.  Do we need to have CNHRPC do the work?        Vote Selectmen 3-0 Not to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 Not to Recommend   

Article #4-Master Plan Capital Reserve Fund-$5,000 appropriation
Vote Selectmen 3-0 Not to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5 –0 Not to Recommend

Article #5-Financial Software-$30,000 appropriation, monies to be withdrawn from the capital reserve account.  Amount amended to $30,532 based on proposals received. Vote Selectmen 3-0  to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #6-New computer hardware-$2,500-2 new computers for the town office.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #7-New phone System-$3,000 appropriation-to upgrade the phones at the town hall.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend.
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #8-Capital Reserve Funds-$147,000 appropriation.  The Fire Truck Capital Reserve was amended down to $0; Rescue Truck amended to $12,500, bottom line remains the same.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #9-Petition Article –no action necessary.

Article #10-Speed Enforcement Grant-$1,769 appropriation.  This is a 100% matching grant.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #11-Establish a Police Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund-$1,500 appropriation.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #12-DWI Overtime Patrol Grant-$1,769 appropriation.  This is a 100% matching grant.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #13-Petition-no action necessary.

Article #14-Rapid-Zap Program-$3,600 appropriation-monies to be withdrawn from capital reserve.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #15-Emergency Management Grant for a backup generator-$3,600 appropriation.  This is a 75-25 matching grant awarded to the fire department.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 to Recommend

Article #16-Addition to Rescue Truck Capital Reserve-$7,500 appropriation.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 4 yay; 1 abstain to Recommend

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Article #17-New Used Heavy Rescue Vehicle-$175,000 appropriation-monies to be used from Rescue Vehicle and Equipment Special Revenue Fund and Rescue Truck Capital Reserve Fund and the remaining from a lease-purchase agreement.
Vote Selectmen 2-1 Not to Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 4 No-1 Abstain Not to Recommend
Article #18-2nd Option-New Used Heavy Rescue Vehicle-$115, 000 appropriation.
This article would only be acted upon if Article #17 did not pass at town meeting.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 To Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 3 yay; 1 no; 1 abstain to Recommend
Mr. MacCleery wanted it noted in the minutes that he doesn’t believe this to be the correct use of the funds in this capital reserve.  The fund was setup for ambulance replacement and ambulance related costs.

Article #19-Repairs and Upgrades to Parking Facilities and Irrigation Systems at Carpenter Park-$13,805 appropriation.  Monies to come from the Parks and Recreation Capital Reserve, a CYA donation and $8,805 by general taxation.
Vote Selectmen 3-0 To Recommend
Vote Budget Committee 5-0 To Recommend

Articles  #20 and #21 are resolutions, no action necessary.

General Business:

A Flood Plan Resolution submitted for review by the Planning Board will be put on the ballot.

The minutes of January 28, 2003 were approved as written.

A penalty abatement for Onoroski was approved.

An appointment for a new deputy tax collector/deputy town clerk was signed.

A healthcare resolution was submitted by petition and will be included on the warrant.

Payment of Welfare Administrator Salary was approved; 2-1 vote.

Selectman DeBold will draft a warrant article regarding town road standards being stricter than the states.

A picture for the cover of the town report was decided and Selectman Colbert will be responsible for taking the photo.  

Lisa to check back with PLIA regarding insurance cost on the Flanders Property.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 10:50pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

Theodore Bailey, Chairman
David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman


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